NoviceDeveloperResources - Resources to Assist Novice Developers
Assist novice developers when preparing a single package or a set of integrated packages to submit to CRAN. Automate the following individual or batch processing: check local source packages; build local .tar.gz source files; install packages from local .tar.gz files; detect conflicts between function names in the environment.
Last updated 10 months ago
2.48 score 1 dependents 573 downloadstextBoxPlacement - Compute a Non-Overlapping Layout of Text Boxes to Label Multiple Overlain Plots
Compute a non-overlapping layout of text boxes to label multiple overlain curves. For each curve, iteratively search for an adjacent x,y position for the text box that does not overlap with the other curves. If this process fails, then offsets are computed to add to the y values for each curve, that results in sufficient space to add all of the text labels.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.48 score 1 dependents 124 downloads